Beautiful In White - Westlife


Not sure if you know this  [不確定你是否知道這件事]
But when we first met  [我們第一次見面時]
I got so nervous I couldn't speak  [我緊張的說不出話來]
In that very moment I found the one  [就在那時刻我找到了命中的那個人]
And my life had found its missing piece  [也找到我人生中遺失的那塊碎片]

So as long as I live I love you  [所以只要我還活著,我會一直愛著妳]
Will heaven hold you  [好好地擁有妳抱著妳]
You look so beautiful in white  [你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]
And from now till my very last breath  [從現在開始一直到我嚥下我最後一口氣]
This day I'll cherish  [這一天,我會好好珍惜]
You look so beautiful in white, tonight  [今晚你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]

What we have is timeless  [我們擁有無盡的時間]
My love is endless  [我對你的愛是無止盡的]
And with the ring I say to the world  [而在這戒指的伴隨下,我向全世界宣告]
You're my every reason you're all  [你是我的每一個理由,你是我所有的相信]
That I believe in with all my heart  [發自我內心的]
I mean every world  [每一字一句]

So as long as I live I love you  [所以只要我還活著,我會一直愛著妳]
Will heaven hold you  [好好地擁有妳抱著妳]
You look so beautiful in white  [你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]
And from now till my very last breath  [從現在開始一直到我嚥下我最後一口氣]
This day I'll cherish  [這一天,我會好好珍惜]
You look so beautiful in white, tonight  [今晚你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]

Ooh, oh
You look so beautiful in white  [你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]
Na, na, na, na
So beautiful in white, tonight  [穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]

And if our daughter's what our future holds  [如果未來我們將會生下一個女兒]
I hope she has your eyes  [我希望她擁有妳的雙眸]
Finds love like you and I did  [像我和你一樣地找到愛情]
Yeah, I wish she falls in love we'll let her go  [如果她墜入情網,我們就放手讓她去]
And I'll walk her down the aisle  [我將會和她一同步上紅毯]
She'll look so beautiful in white  [她穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]

You look so beautiful in white  [你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]

So as long as I live I love you  [所以只要我還活著,我會一直愛著妳]
Will heaven hold you  [好好地擁有妳抱著妳]
You look so beautiful in white  [你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]
And from now till my very last breath  [從現在開始一直到我嚥下我最後一口氣]
This day I'll cherish  [這一天,我會好好珍惜]
You look so beautiful in white, tonight  [今晚你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]
You look so beautiful in white, tonight  [今晚你穿著這身白衣裳,真是美極了]